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A history of myocardial infarction (heart attack), congenital defect, or cardiac transplant also increases the likelihood of pacemaker implant.

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Q: What heart diseases increase the chances that a patient will need a pacemaker?
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Related questions

How is the pacemaker returned to your blood?

A pacemaker is implanted inside the skin of the side of a patient's chest, and has 'wires' running over to the heart. A pacemaker is not in your blood.

How do you treat atrial tachycardia in someone who has a pacemaker?

A lot depends on the type of pacemaker that has been fitted. Does the tachycardia seem excessive or only a slight increase? Unless the tachy is causing symptoms, eg, breathless ness then it may be normal for that patient.

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Can you do CPR on a patient with a pacemaker with a built in defibrillator?

r u dumb?!

Where can one buy a pacemaker?

Pacemakers are bought from medical manufactures by the doctor or hospital where the implantation surgery will take place. A patient would not be able to purchase a pacemaker on his/her own.

What is the Role of artificial pacemaker in heart if patient has a heart disease?

Pacemaker help to normalize the electrical impulses conductance of the heart. usually people with pacemaker has an abnormal impulse originated from their SA node. so, the pacemaker is placed so that the heart can contract at a normal rate and thus prevent arrhythmia.

How long is the hospital stay for a pacemaker implant patient?

Patients undergoing surgical pacemaker implantation usually stay in the hospital overnight.

How many leads may be necessary in a pacemaker implant procedure?

Depending on the configuration of the pacemaker and the clinical needs of the patient, as many as three leads may be used in a pacing system.

Where is a pacemaker implantation performed?

In a hospital where the patient can be correctly monitored.

What are comorbidities?

Other diseases that the patient has.

What monitoring is done after a pacemaker has been implanted?

Once the procedure is complete, the patient's vital signs are monitored and a chest x ray is taken to ensure that the pacemaker and leads are properly positioned.

How may the contracting of infections in hospitals be explained?

This weakened immune system can be caused either by the patient's diseases or by treatments given to the patient. Second, many medical procedures can increase the risk of infection by introducing infectious agents