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Earth Plates

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Q: What heats the earth oceans?
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Related questions

What warms the lakes and oceans?

The sun and the earth. The earth has fire/heat/magma inside it that heats up the earth and lakes and oceans

What heats up first on the Earth?

Everything heats up at the same time, but the glaciers and ice shelves are most affected by the heat because they melt and affect the water levels in our oceans and streams and rivers.

What heats more slowly than land?

Water (the oceans).

What does the earth's mantle do to earth?

It heats it.

When the sun heats the oceans which substances evaporate?

Water is the only thing.

The oceans cover about what percentage of earth?

75 percent of earth is covered by oceans

How does the sun affect the winds on earth?

The sun heats the Earth but it heats it unevenly and the uneven heating creates wind.

How does air temperature over land and adjacent bodies of water change between day and night?

In the daytime the Sun heats up the surface of the Oceans slightly faster than the Earth's surfaces: it heats the air above and the Wind runs from the Land to the Sea. In the evening the Sun's warmth is retained in the mass of the Earth's surface longer than in the Oceans' bulk: it heats the air above and the Wind flows from the Sea to the Land.

Oceans cover what amount of earth?

oceans cover 3/4 of the earth

Does Mars have oceans like on earth?

No, mars don't have oceans like on earth.

What heats the surface of the earth?

the sun

Is gray and blue an earth tone color?

Yes, blue is an Earth tone because the world has oceans and the oceans are blue and if the Earth has blue oceans then blue is an Earth tone.