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Q: What helped Constantine people become a center for business and trade?
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What helped constantinople become a center of business and trade?

Its geographic position and protective city walls.

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What Constantine do for the Empire?

He helped to change the empires religious beliefs to Christianity.

Constantine believed that helped him to be victorious in battle?

crosses on the shields of his soldiers

Whose conversion to Christianity helped make Christianity in rome?

Emperor Constantine

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What two things helped spread christianity in the roman empire?

Emperor Constantine I and his mother Helena.

What was an achievement of Constantine?

The Edict of Milan helped spread Christianity by allowing all religions in Rome.

What was an achievement reign of Constantine?

The Edict of Milan helped spread Christianity by allowing all religions in Rome.

Who helped to socially and politically unify the early byzantine empire by tolerating and even promoting Christianity?

Constantine I

What religion did Constantine help spread?

Constantine helped spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. He issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which granted religious tolerance to Christians and allowed them to practice their faith openly. Constantine's conversion to Christianity and support of the religion played a significant role in its growth and development.