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Q: What helped equiano survive the voyage?
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Related questions

What was Equiano's position on the voyage?

He was young and so not fettered

How does equiano's voyage compare with those of explorers and colonists?

This is a false question. There is no accurate answer.

How does Equiano describe his captor?

Equiano describes his captor as a "dark and fierce-looking man" who seemed to be "much pleased" with his acquisition of Equiano. He also mentions that his captor had a "troop of boys" who helped him in his work.

Who helped Columbus?

queen Isabella helped Columbus out,by sponsering his voyage

What is olaudah Equiano sister name?

Olaudah Equiano's sister's name was unknown. She is not mentioned by name in Equiano's autobiography.

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it helped the sailers voyage

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Why is olaudah equino famous?

Olaudah Equiano is famous for his autobiography, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano," which played a significant role in the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade. Equiano's personal story of being kidnapped and enslaved, as well as his advocacy for abolition, helped raise awareness about the horrors of slavery and contributed to the movement to end it.

What are some of Olaudah Equiano's achievements?

Olaudah Equiano was a prominent African abolitionist and author known for his autobiography "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano." He played a key role in the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade by drawing attention to the inhumanity of slavery through his writings and speeches. Equiano's work highlighted the humanity of Africans and helped shift public opinion towards the abolitionist cause.

What influence did olaudah equiano have?

1. Olaudah was an African writer whose experiences as a slave prompted him to become involved in the British abolition movement. he published his autobiography, 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano'. He travelled widely promoting the book, which became immensely popular, helped the abolitionist cause, and made Equiano a wealthy man.

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How did Equiano gain his freedom and what did he do with his life once he was freed?

He gained his freedom by learning how to read and write and he helped people better their lives.