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The printing press was a HUGE factor, because it allowed books and pamphlets to be produced quickly and cheaply. Also, one idea of the Reformation was to preach not in Latin but in vernacular (whatever language was most commonly known in a certain area). This meant that Protestant scripture could be printed easily, and the ideas in them were understood by a wider array of people (the Catholic church preached solely in Latin, and only priests knew Latin, so the common people relied on the priests to teach them the bible. The Protestants promoted the idea that a person's relationship to God should be personal, not through a priest, so printing Bibles in languages that everyone knew got rid of the need for a priest).

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Q: What helped spread the ideas of the Protestant Reformation?
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The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg played a key role in spreading ideas and facilitating access to religious texts, enabling the rapid dissemination of Protestant Reformation teachings. This technology helped fuel the spread of ideas critical of the Catholic Church and contributed to the rise of Protestantism during the Renaissance.

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The Reformation was a 16th-century movement in Christianity that led to the split between the Roman Catholic Church and various Protestant groups. Events that led to the Reformation include the criticism of the Church's practices, the publication of Martin Luther's 95 Theses in 1517, and the invention of the printing press, which helped spread ideas more widely.

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Greek was used to spread the ideas of the Renaissance the reformation and the scientific revolution.

What common language was used the spread the ideas of the renaissance the reformation and the scientific revolution?

Greek was used to spread the ideas of the Renaissance the reformation and the scientific revolution.

What was the main purpose of the Inquisition?

To enforce a religious or ideological dogma (in this case, Papism) by prosecuting, torturing, and punishing "heretics". To stop the spread of Protestant ideas To increase the number of Catholics get a confession from an accused person to increase the number of Catholics To bring people back to Catholicism

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The printing press helped spread the ideas of the Renaissance.

What role did the printing press play in the Protestent Reformation?

you are dumb ^^^ no, you sir are the dumb one. it helped to promote the ideas of the protestants without having each person to tell another by hear say.

How did the Reformation and the counter-reformation affect education?

The Reformation led to an increase in the importance of education as Protestant leaders emphasized the need for individuals to read and interpret the Bible for themselves. This led to the establishment of more schools and universities across Europe. The Counter-Reformation, in response, saw the Catholic Church reforming its educational system to educate clergy and combat the spread of Protestant ideas through institutions like Jesuit schools.

What invention helped Martin Luther to spread his ideas?

Martin Luther, if you're referring to the founder of Protestant Christianity, used the printing press to spread his ideas throughout Europe.