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Q: What helped the continental army gain control of Boston 1776?
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What Advantage helped the Continental army gain control of Boston in 1776-?

The use of captured British artillery helped the Continental army gain control of Boston in 1776.

What advantage helped the Continental Army gained control of Boston 1776?

Ion know

What advantage did the continental army use to gain control of Boston in 1776?

Not sure, But I believe its that they had an American naval blockade..

What did the British do when the Continental Army surrounded them in Boston on March 4 1776?

They fought back.

In which year did the second continental congress begin to discuss independence?

The Second Continental Congress began to discuss independence in 1776.

What body governed the colonists from 1776 to 1781?

The Continental Congress

When was George Washington in the continental army?

in 1776

When did Boston campaign happen?

Boston campaign happened in 1776.

Why did British general William howe abandoned Boston in MARCH 1776?

British General William Howe abandoned Boston in March 1776 because he was in a vulnerable position. The continental army had, overnight, set up cannons on a high point overlooking Howe's positions. He knew those cannon could not only hit his men, but the ships in the harbor. He had to pull out of Boston to save them.

Did Boston Tea Party come after the Declaration of Independence and before treaty of Paris?

First it was the Boston Tea Party,then the Coersive Acts(also known as the Intolerable Acts),then the first continental congress,then Lexington and concord,then second continental congress,then finally the Declaration of Independence.

Which legislative body drafted the decleraton of independence?

The Second Continental Congress, 1776

By 1776 how many continental congresses had been held?