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Q: What helps build muscle faster in men using testosterone boosters?
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Does Andro build muscle faster than creatine?

Andro is a ph ( prohormone) which boost testosterone so yes, Andro will build muscle drastically faster than creatine however, creatine is the safer way to go but it will take you a lot more time to build muscle on creatine

Will a decrease in testosterone lead to a loss of muscle mass?

Yes testosterone is the main Protein used to build muscle mass. however muscle can still be gained in its absence.

Where can I find testosterone supplements to help build muscle quickly?

You will not get muscle without a proper diet, and exercise program. You will need to eat more proteins to build muscle fast. You can buy a testosterone boosting steroid from body

What will you gain from testosterone?

Testosterone produced naturally helps build muscle mass, and helps with the male libido and sex drive in males.

Can a tens unit build muscle?

When combined with heavy weight training, ingesting protein and injecting testosterone, the tens unit will build massive bulk.

Some people take a synthetic version of testosterone to try to build larger muscles faster?

Anabolic Steroids

Does the use of testosterone boosters as a teenager cause a decrease in testesterone later in life?

Yes. Your body only makes testosterone if it needs it. If you take supplemental testosterone, coincidentally your body stops producing natural testosterone, as it doesnt need it anymore. Once you stop taking the testosterone, your body may produce more than it did, but never to the amount that is needed for optimal survival. Testosterone has a lot of uses, and is mostly a male supplement when the male who is using it wants to build muscle mass. Short exposure to supplemental testosterone might have little to no effect, but large doses of testosterone for long periods of time, can and do effect latent testosterone production. That's what many in the medical field are reporting. All medications have unexpected and sometimes unwanted side effects.

What is the purpose of weight training gear?

to make you build muscle without you hurting yourself. you will build muscle faster with it but it also keeps you safer. dont ask me how it just does.

does testosterone help build muscle?

Benefits of testosterone to build muscle fast: Some athletes in particular use testosterone supplements to accelerate muscle growth and gain in conjunction with their workouts. And increasing testosterone here speeds up the rate at which muscles can work to be rebuilt, and testosterone helps athletes work harder in the gym without the need for more training, however, it has not been proven that testosterone supplements raise the rate of testosterone sufficiently to increase muscle . Important testosterone warnings: The US Food and Drug Administration said in a report that testosterone-boosting supplements can cause heart attacks, changes in personal behaviors and infertility, especially when they are easily used. Testosterone abuse: Testosterone supplements are primarily used to treat some conditions such as delayed puberty, and diseases that cause muscle loss such as cancer, but after the doctor diagnosed and allowed it, but some athletes took advantage of this badly to use testosterone for bodybuilding and other reasons other. The abuse of testosterone, especially at higher doses than those normally prescribed by a doctor, ultimately poses risks to the health of the heart, brain, liver, mental health, and endocrine system. Click on the article in the bio to learn more about testosterone and its most important sources

What build muscle better and faster Pull ups and push ups vs weight training?

both are good for muscle building.

Does testosterone levels decrease as human females age?

females generally have exremely trace amounts of testosterone to begin with, testosterone helps build lean muscle mas body hair and helps for males genitailia grow during puberty, it also the leading factor for male sex drive.

How can I build up my muscles as fast as possible?

To build up muscle as fast as possible, you need to work out at least 6 days a week and do weight lifting. Also, there are things you can take to help you bulk up faster like whey protein. The protein will help you build muscle faster and make your muscles larger.