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Q: What helps the Pine cone survive in a tundra?
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Related questions

What are the contents of a pine cone?

A pine cone contains the trees seeds.

What is the seed case of a pine tree?

Pine trees bear their seeds in the female pine cone.

When was The Golden Pine Cone created?

The Golden Pine Cone was created in 1950.

What happens to a pine cone when you freeze it?

the pine cone does not freeze like ice does ice crystals will hang. since the pine cone is WOOD it will NOT FREEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

How does a cone help a pine tree during its life cycle?

a pine tree makes a pine cone by their seeds and inside a pine cone if you are lucky you might fine a red seed.

How many scales on a pine tree cone?

the pine cone has 356 of hose things

What is maines state flower?

The white pine cone and tassel.

What is the purpose of a cone in a pine tree?

It is how the tree can let its seeds spread, to make more pine tree's.

What does a pine cone look like when it starts growing?

i think they come out of the tree in the direction they are facingAnother answer:When pine cones are on the tree, they grow down. The point grows toward the ground. The stem part in the middle of the cone attaches to the cone. The pine cone itself is a container for pine seeds. The cone will open and release the seeds. If you pick up a large pine cone, you may find that the front part has opened and the rear part has not. If you take the part that has not opened and open it, you may find the pine cone seeds inside. Each one is a seed attached to a membrane. The membrane acts like a propeller that helps the seed spin around. If the pine tree burns, all the pine cones open and release all their seeds. The new plants grow straight up.

Is a cone a angiosperm or a gymnosperms?

A pine cone is a gymnosperm.

How does a pine seed get out of a pine cone?

On ripening of seeds the cone axis alongates and the seeds get out by wind velocity

What is the difference between an acorn and a pine cone?

An acorn comes from a deciduous oak tree, and a pine cone comes from a coniferous pine tree.