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Q: What hemisphere receives more intense solar radiation on December 21-22?
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What latitude receives the most intense solar energy on March 21 and September 22?

On March 21 and September 22, zero degrees latitude receives the most intense solar energy. This is at the equator.

Why do the coldest temperatures occur over large land masses far north?

Because land masses emit radiation causing the land to cool. Land cools quicker than water. The farther north you go toward the poles the less direct sun radiation you receive therefore the heat for the sun is less intense. the combination of earth emitting radiation and less intense solar radiation causes the higher latitudes to be colder.

What region of the earth is near the equator receives the most solar energy?

The region near the equator, known as the tropics, receives the most solar energy. This area is characterized by having the sun directly overhead at noon during the equinoxes, resulting in nearly equal day and night lengths. Due to the Earth's tilt, the tropics experience a more direct angle of sunlight, leading to more intense solar radiation and higher temperatures compared to other regions. The equatorial region is also home to rainforests, which benefit from the abundant solar energy to support high levels of biodiversity and lush vegetation.

Hurricanes are pacific ocean storms?

Technically, the term hurricane applies to an intense tropical cyclone in the northern hemisphere occurring either in either the Atlantic Ocean or in the Pacific Ocean east of 180 degrees longitude. Intense tropical cyclones in the west of the line and north of the equator are called typhoons while those south of the equator are simply called cyclones.

Intense deformation and metamorphism occur in regions of intense compression These areas are associated with what type of tectonic boundary?

Convergent plate boundaries.

Related questions

When is solar radiation most intense?

Solar radiation is most intense at noon.

Where is sun energy less intense?

The further you get away form the sun the less intense its radiation gets.

Where is the sun's energy less intense?

The further you get away form the sun the less intense its radiation gets.

How does your sun generate their intense radiation?

The sun generates such intense energy via radiation pressure. This involves the placement of hydrogen into helium in the sun's core with the process of nuclear fusion.

What latitude receives the most intense solar energy on March 21 and September 22?

On March 21 and September 22, zero degrees latitude receives the most intense solar energy. This is at the equator.

How could they survive the intense UV radiation exposure?

The answer will depend on what they are.

What can radiation do to the human body?

Exposure to radiation can damage cells and DNA, leading to harmful effects such as radiation sickness, acute radiation syndrome, and an increased risk of cancer. The severity of the impact depends on the dose, duration of exposure, and type of radiation.

Is Microwave radiation of very high intensity harmful?

Yes, radiation of any frequency can be harmful when it is intense enough.

What is radiation treatments?

Radiation treatments use high-energy beams to target and kill cancer cells. The goal is to damage the DNA of the cancer cells to prevent them from growing and spreading. Radiation therapy may be used alone or in combination with other treatments like surgery or chemotherapy.

What is the intense heat beneath earths surface can be a source of?

radiation & gravity

The Sun emits its most intense radiation as?

While the sun emits all types of light, from radio waves, to gamma rays the most intense type of light (electromagnetic radiation) is yellow light.

Which type of climate receives the most intense solar energy?

Tropical Climate because it receives a lot of the intense solar energy and it is also most likely to be found near the equator where the sun is directly giving solar energy.