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Q: What heppened After the founding of Jamestown the demand for tobacco in England?
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After the founding of Jamestown the demand for tobacco in England?


What was the first major crop from Jamestown sold in England?


Explain the Significance of corn and tobacco to the Jamestown colony?

Corn and tobacco had a great significant to Jamestown Colony. Tobacco grew better in the area than in England and corn fed the colonists.

Did Jamestown settlers find a market in England for tobacco.?

Tobacco was a new discovery for the colonists at Jamestown. They quickly learned how to grow it from the Native Americans and exported it to Europe.

What role does tobacco play in Jamestown?

Tobacco was a major exportin Jamestown.

Did Jamestown export coffee or tobacco?

Yes, Jamestown did export tobacco but not coffee!

What was the farming in Jamestown?

Jamestown was especially well-known for growing tobacco.

What are the resources of Jamestown?

Some resources that Jamestown had was the (trading with the) Powhatan Native Americans, crops (corn,beans,squash,tobacco), turkey, and supplies England sent.

Why was tobacco imporant to Jamestown?

Because it was a cash crop that was first grown and sent to England by John Rolfe. This was grown on most plantations in Jamestown as well as indigo.

Who does pocahontes fall in love with?

She married John Rolfe, the man who brought tobacco to Jamestown. She left for England with him, had a baby boy, and died in England.

What was a Jamestown crop?

Tobacco was a crop in Jamestown.

What crop made the colony of Jamestown successful?
