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Q: What herbs can make your uterus shrivel up and your period stop?
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Why do you shrivel when you get wet?

you shrivel because the water you were in is probably not a saline solution... basically there is salt in your body and if you are in the water for a long time, your skin will shrivel to make up the difference between how much salt is in your cells and how much is in the water

Can bleeding from your kidney make period heavier?

I doubt it, when you have your period it comes out of your vagina, a completely different hole to your uretha which the kidneys are attached to. Kidneys and the uterus are completely seperate.

What herbs make you sick if you drink alcohol?

There apparently are no such herbs.

What does it mean if your period blood is bright red in colour?

That is new blood and it comes from your uterus where the lining of the uterus has been shed to make room for another one. It's a like a sore bleeding so it's normal.

Are herbs beneficial for killing bacteria in the mouth?

Herbs make me drowsy.

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What is the difference between trees and herbs?

trees are trees and herbs are herbs that soemtimes make food taste nicer.

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Make soap out of herbs?

You need more than herbs, but you can put them in soap

Is there a hole in your uterus after removal of IUD?

No; the IUD does not make a hole in your uterus, nor does removal. It rests in the empty space in the uterus.

Does the uterus continue growth after a fetus dies?

The uterus grow to make room for the fetus. A fetus that doesn't grow - no growth of the uterus.