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Q: What historical events are important to the Aztec society?
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What member of the Aztec society gathered folk tales and recorded historical events?

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Who was the most important person in the Aztec society?

The king.

Who is the most important person or ruler in Ancient Aztec society?


Why are Aztec codices important to them?

They were used to record events, or stories that could be remembered later on.

How was Aztec society divided?

The Atec society was divided by north of Aztec , south of Aztec ect...

Did the Maya or the Aztec create stelae to honor important events in their lives?

Both the Maya and the Aztec civilizations created stelae to commemorate important events in their lives. The Maya erected stone stelae, often inscribed with hieroglyphs and accompanying artwork, to record historical events, rulers, and significant dates. The Aztecs, on the other hand, created stone monoliths known as "Bertoltzli" dedicated to commemorating important events, such as the reign of a ruler or military achievements.

How could you move up in Aztec society?

To move up in Aztec society, one could gain status through military achievements, tribute payments, or by excelling in a specialized skill or craft. Marrying into a higher social class or being appointed to a position of power by the ruler could also contribute to social advancement.

What were the major classes of Aztec society?

Emperor, Nobility and Priests were the major classes of Aztec society.

Why was Aztec society successful?

The Aztec society was so successful because they were great at hunting, farming, trading, and building.

Why was Aztec important?

The Aztec were a highly advanced American civilization that existed before the Europeans discovered the Americas. They were adept stargazers and had an organized society with multiple trade-routes and a large economy.