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cooking, creative arts and art

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Q: What hobbies would you expect a cultured person to pursue?
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What does it mean to pursue happiness?

To pursue happiness means actively seeking and prioritizing activities and experiences that bring joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction to your life. It involves focusing on what makes you genuinely happy, cultivating positive emotions, and making choices that contribute to your overall well-being and contentment.

What does mean to pursue happiness?

To do the things you like. Hobbies

What happens when you love someone who is gay?

If you are the opposite gender from the gay person, then move on. You cannot pursue a relationship or expect anything from the other person, beyond friendship.

How do you pursue your hobbies?

It depends what your hobbie is. If it's a sport join a team or a club.

What are some of Louise Rennison hobbies?

She likes Irish dancing and wanted to pursue that career when she was younger :)

What are some hobbies for retirees?

Your dad, not you, must decide what hobbies he'd like to pursue. The "lead a horse to water" adage applies here: your dad will do as he pleases when he's ready. In the meantime, consider that depression may be a factor in his lack of interest.

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Was asin thottumkal a girl scout?

Asin Thottumkal was not a girl scout. She started acting at a very young age, and does not pursue many hobbies due to her movie commitments.

How is the world different because of Bethany Hamilton?

Bethany Hamilton has inspired people to continue to pursue their favorite hobbies whether they have loss of a limb or not and to never give up.

If a person leaves their environment to pursue success are they betraying their identity?

No, a person that leaves his or her environment to pursue success is not betraying their identity. The person is simply looking to expand his or her horizons. This does not mean that the person will forget his or her roots. For those that feel the person is betraying their identity, they should be happy that the individuals wants to better his or her life.

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What is aristotles theory of a person's function?

Aristotle's theory of a person's function is based on the idea that individuals have a specific purpose or function in life that is unique to each person. He believed that happiness and fulfillment are achieved by fulfilling this function, which he referred to as "eudaimonia." According to Aristotle, a person's function involves using their unique abilities and virtues to contribute to the greater good of society and achieve excellence in their pursuits.