

What holds a pint?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What holds a pint?
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Which holds more liquid a cup or a pint?


Which holds more water a one cup measuring cup or a glass that holds one pint?

a glass that holds one pint

How much is a pint of larger?

A US pint holds 473 ml.

Pint equals how many shots of liquor?

A pint is 16 US ounces. A shot glass equals 1.5 ounces, so a pint holds 10.66 shots.

Does one cup cottage cheese equal a pint?

no, 1pint= 2cups coz, pint contains 500ml, and an average cup holds approx 250ml.

On a water bottle what is 1pt7.7ounces?

It indicates the volume of the bottle - 1 pint and 7.7 fluid ounces. An Imperial pint has 20 fluid ounces, so if the bottle is European it holds 27.7 fluid ounces. An American pint has 16 fluid ounces, so if the bottle is American it holds 23.7 fluid ounces.

What do you call a vessel that holds two pints of wine?

A carafe is a common wine vessel that usually holds .75 L, which is about 25 oz. A pint is 16, so it's about a pint and a half. You may be thinking of something else though.

If bottle holds 64 fluid ounces of lemonade how much is this in pints?

4 pints 1 pint = 16 ounces 1 ounce = 0.06 pint

Which holds more liquid a pint or a liter bottle?

A litre bottle - it's about 1.13 pints

Does a gallon hold more than or less than 1 pint?

A gallon holds more than one pint, because 1 gallon is equal to 8 pints.

How many ounces of cottage cheese in a pint?

If it's an official 'cup' it holds 8 ounces. The small tubs that yoghurt comes in are various sizes.

Which holds more a liter bottle of lemonade or a 2 pint carton of milk?

The imperial pint used in the UK is different to the pint used in the US. 1 imperial pint = 16 floz 1 US pint = 14 floz 1 l = 1.75975326 imperial pints = 2.11337642 US pints. So 1l is less than 2 imperial pints 1l is greater than 2 US pints