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Q: What holds the immature egg cell in a plant?
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How could the maturation of an egg cell be halted in the ovary?

If the immature egg cell does not mature because their body has a stalled or halted production of the sex hormones that enable meiosis to resume.

Is the ovary the egg cell in a plant?


Where in a plant does the male sex cell jion with the egg?

In the ovary of the plant.

What develops after a plant sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell?

A spore

What does a male plant sex cell do?

Its purpose is to fertilize an egg cell.

The part of a plant that contains a egg cell?

The pistil

Which is produced after a plant sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell?

sweet nectar

What forms plant cells?

No cell just like humans a sperm and an egg join and make a cell and that cell eventually will turn into a plant.