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Q: What hole size would you punch in the dental dam for the anchor tooth?
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Should you fill a cavity immediately or is it better to wait?

Of course it is better to fill it immediately and stop any further damage to the tooth. Why would you wait? So the cavity can get bigger? So the whole tooth rots away so you don't have to fill it?

Can you make expansion of dental arch if there is no cross bite?

Why would you need to then? Expansion of dental arch is to relieve crowding, so that when the decidious tooth comes out, there will be room for the permanent tooth that is following close behind. Very important to check articulation, so as not to cause TMJ problems.

If you have to have an upper front tooth extracted how will the dentist put in a one tooth denture?

It would be what they call a flipper, more like a retainer with a tooth. However, it's not a permanent solution. Most dentists would recommend that a patient get a dental implant in place of an upper front tooth. An implant helps to retain the bone in the area where the roots were.

I need a dentist locally that will remove two molars but would cost $50 each or less. Both of us are out of work and I have no dental insurance.?

Most extractions only cost $45 per tooth as long as it's not a wisdom tooth. Most dental offices want to do an exam first.

What is the average cost of tooth implants in Canada?

Obtaining a tooth implant in Canada can have very different costs depending on which specific dentist one were to visit. However, if one was to estimate a price for a dental tooth implant in Canada it would be around $2,400.

Where to buy dental cement?

I have a front tooth that came out after 5 years. I have had it cemented again, but in case it comes out I would like to have some cement. It is my front tooth, so it was bad when it came out. Becky whitney

What is a dental furcation?

It's the part of a tooth where it braches into two (or more) roots. If you imagine a pair of pants, it would be the crotch area of the pants.

What dentists call tooth decay?

dental caries.. at least that's what MDs would call it. There may be more variation in degree of decay that DMDs would refer to.

Is there a method to examinate the presence of tooth cavity if yes what it would be like?

A dentist will inspect your teeth, and advise on whether any dental work is needed. A cavity will probably be drilled and then filled with a special dental paste. This will, hopefully, prevent the root/ nerve of the tooth from becoming infected, leading to a painful toothache.

What are the benefits of dental veneers?

Veneers can dramatically enhance the appearance of your smile. They blend in with your natural teeth for lifelike results.

Under what circumstances could a dentist be sued for his work?

I would sue if damage was done to a tooth as a result of poor dental work. I had to file a report once with the American Dental Association. They may be able to help you.

What about the nerve of the tooth?

Well, no nerves in teeth would mean no dental pain. True, but no dental pain would also mean that when your teeth rot or gets broken , you would'nt know it or would'nt bother and finally you may lose them one by one and eventually be tooth less at an early age!ALL because you never felt pain. So the nerves and the perceived pain are all a protective mechanism that acts as an early warning system.