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Q: What holy books do indigenous religions use in Africa?
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What is the holy book of the world?

There are several - different religions have different holy books.

What religion has a holy book and holy building?

Almost all major religions have holy books and holy languages.

Does South Africa have a holy book?

Yes- South Africa is a multi-cultural country and all religions are permitted, so there are a variety of faiths and each tends to have its own holy book. The most common holy book is the Bible, which is the Holy Book for both Christians and Jews and the Koran for Muslims. Other faiths, such as Hindus, have their own holy books.

What religions holy book is written in Hebrew?

Judaism. Christianity also shares some of the same holy books.

Indigenous religions today are especially threatened by?

Indigenous religions today are especially threatened by colonization, forced assimilation, and religious persecution. These practices have led to the erosion of traditional beliefs, customs, and knowledge systems among indigenous communities. Additionally, environmental degradation and loss of ancestral lands contribute to the challenges faced by indigenous religions.

What is the name of the middle east's holy book?

The Middle East has numerous religions with numerous holy books. Islam is currently the most popular religion in the region and its holy book is the Qur'an, but Jews and the Christians revere the Bible. There are also Druze, Baha'i, Yazidi, Zoroastrians, and other small religions with their own holy books.

What are the holy books of the major Western religions?

The Bible is the holy book for Jews (Old Testament) and Christians (New Testament) and the Koran is the holy book for Muslims.

In what way is the Quran similar to the holy books of other religions?

It describes guidelines for moral behavior.

Identify the holy books of the major western religions?

The Bible is the holy book for Jews (Old Testament) and Christians (New Testament) and the Koran is the holy book for Muslims.

Do religions share holy books?

No, different religions have their own unique holy books that serve as the primary texts for guiding beliefs and practices. Examples include the Bible in Christianity, the Quran in Islam, the Torah in Judaism, and the Bhagavad Gita in Hinduism.

Are there any religions with out a holy book?

Yes, some religions do not have a central holy book or scripture. This can include indigenous or traditional religions that pass down teachings orally, or spiritual practices that prioritize personal experience and oral tradition over written texts.

Who founded the holy book?

Answer 1What holy book? There are several religions in the world, each of which has its own holy books. Answer 2Regarding all God religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), God holy books are founded by God (or Allah in Arabic and same God worshiped in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). This include Psalm revealed by God to Abraham, Torah revealed by God to Moses, the Bible revealed by God to Jesus, and Qur'an revealed by God to Muhammad (peace be upon them all).Other holy books are founded by the religious leaders of the corresponding religions.