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The hormone is called as calcitonin. This hormone is secreted by the parathyroid glands.

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Calcitonin, produced in the C-cells of the thyroid gland.

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That is hormone Calcitonin. It regulates the Ca and phosphate level.

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Q: What hormone causes a decrease in blood calcium levels?
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Which is greater when blood calcium levels when parathyroid hormone is increased or decreased?

Blood calcium levels are greater when parathyroid hormone is increased. Parathyroid hormone helps regulate calcium levels in the blood by promoting its release from bones and increasing its absorption from the intestines, leading to higher blood calcium levels.

What hormone works with the parathyroid hormone to decrease calcium levels in the blood and tissues?


The major hormone that decreases blood calcium levels is produced in the?

The major hormone that decreases blood calcium levels is produced in the thyroid gland. This hormone is called calcitonin, and it works by inhibiting the breakdown of bone tissue and promoting calcium excretion by the kidneys.

What causes blood calcium levels to decrease?

thyroid function involved

The rate of secretion of parathyroid hormone increases when?

the calcium levels in the blood decrease. This prompts the parathyroid glands to release more parathyroid hormone to prevent hypocalcemia by stimulating the release of calcium from bones, increasing calcium absorption in the intestines, and reducing calcium excretion in the kidneys.

Does calcitonin cause a decrease in blood calcium ion levels?

The hormone Calcitonin has the effect of reducing blood calcium levels. The hormone comes from the thyroid gland and works in basically three ways. 1. It works to slow absorption of calcium by the intestine. 2. It also inhibits the osteoclast (cells in bone that break down old bone tissue) that raise blood calcium levels. 3. It causes osteoblast (cells in bone that lay down new bone matrix) to form new bone. This explanation is at it's simplest form of course.

What parathyroid hormone increases serum calcium levels?

PTH activates vitamin D in the body, which absorbs calcium and phosphate from foods. It works on the intestine to increase the absorption of calcium. It causes the bones to release more calcium, and causes the kidneys to reabsorb more calcium. This all helps to increase calcium levels.

What chemical causes a decrease in the blood calcium level?

The parathyroid glands (4 of them) secrete parathyroid hormone to increase blood calcium. When the parathyroid glands detect low blood calcium levels, they secrete more parathyroid hormone, which causes the bones to release calcium to the bloodstream, thereby increasing blood calcium levels.

What is the hormone that activates Vitamin D on blood calcium levels?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is the hormone that activates vitamin D in response to low blood calcium levels. This activation of vitamin D helps to increase calcium absorption in the intestines and maintain normal calcium levels in the blood.

What glands or organs produces hormones that tend to decrease blood calcium levels?

The thyroid gland has certain cells known as parafollicular cells (AKA C cells) that secrete a hormone known as calcitonin that can decrease blood calcium levels.

When blood calcium levels begin to drop below homeostatic levels this is released causing calcium to be released from bones?

The hormone called as parathyroid hormone or parathormone. This hormone is secreted by parathyroid glands.

What hormone regulates blood calcium levels?

Parathyroid glands secrete PTH (parathyroid hormone) to regulate blood calcium levels.