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Thyroid Hormone Deficiency causes Irreversible damage to Peripheral and Central Auditory Systems...

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Q: What hormone deficiency causes hearing loss?
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Related questions

What causes hearing loss?

There are many causes of hearing loss, including injury, infection, exposure to loud sounds, and aging.

What hormone causes weight loss?


Does a Thyroid deficiency cause weight loss?

Normally thyroid deficiency causes weight gain

What hormone causes hair loss sluggishness and low metabolic rate?

Low Thyroid hormone can causes hair loss, sluggishness and low metabolic rate.

What hormone causes loss of glucose in urine?


What causes neural hearing loss?

Permanent neural hearing loss most often results from damage to the acoustic nerve and the parts of the brain that control hearing. Strokes, multiple sclerosis , and acoustic neuromas are all possible causes of neural hearing loss.

What is the main causes of hearing loss?

Prolonged exposure to loud noise is the leading cause of sensory hearing loss.

What are the symptoms of adrenocorticotopic hormone deficiency?

Symptoms of ACTH deficiency include fatigue, weakness, weight loss and low blood pressure. Nausea, pale skin and loss of pubic and armpit hair in women may also indicate deficiency of ACTH.

What do loud sounds do to the structure of the ear to cause hearing loss?

they burst the ear drum that's what causes hearing loss

What are the effects of growth hormone deficiency?

Growth hormone (GH) regulates the body's growth. Patients who lose supply of this hormone before physical maturity will suffer impaired growth. Loss of the hormone can also affect adults.

What hormone causes loss of glucose in the urine?

Glucose in urine is a worrying sign, as it is a key symptom of diabetes. A lack of the hormone insulin would be responsible.

How do you get malotic?

Through a Rx from a doctor, but DON'T! It causes hearing loss in dogs!