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Its not the hormones that make the voice deeper, its because of your testicles and penis growing hence pulling down your vocal chord. Making your voice deeper. Hope this helped! :)

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Q: What hormone make a boy develop a deep voice when he reaches puberty?
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What hormone makes a boy develop a deep voice when be reaches puberty?

A 'surge' of Testosterone.

What homone makes a boy develop a deep voice when he reaches puberty?

Testosterone is the predominant hormone in puberty in males, including deepening of the voice.

What hormones make a boy develop a deep voice when he riches puberty?

The hormone responsible is testosterone. This hormone causes a lot of changes including the voice.

What hormone makes a boy develop a voice when he reaches puberty?

Boys develop a deep voice as part of the process of puberty, it is generally a change that occurs around half way through the process. The main hormone responsible for this change is testosterone, which stimulates the enlargement of the larynx (also called the Adam's Apple or voice box).Androgen's such as Testosterone not only give a boy a deeper voice but sets him up for sexual reproduction too.Testosterone is the male hormone that begins to spread around the body during puberty in a boy. Besides a deep voice it brings pubic hair and growth to the penis, testicles, arms, legs, feet, hands. You name it !

What is a hormone make a boy develope a deep voice when he reaches puberty?

The name of that hormone is testosterone. This hormone is responsible for secondary sex characters in the boys. This hormone makes them aggressive. It is secreted by the endocrine cells from your testes.

What does the hormone testosterone trigger in male?

It triggers men to become more attracted to girls (or if you like guys) and makes there voice deeper, makes them hairier, you develop it during puberty

What hormones makes a boy develope a deep of voice when he reaches puberty?


What hormones make a boy developed a deep voice when he reaches puberty?


When do boys voice get deep?

Everyone reaches puberty at a different age. So, as soon as the signs of puberty start to show themselves.

What hormone makes a boy develop a deep voice when he reaches puberty?

Boys develop a deep voice as part of the process of puberty, it is generally a change that occurs around half way through the process. The main hormone responsible for this change is testosterone, which stimulates the enlargement of the larynx (also called the Adam's Apple or voice box).Androgen's such as Testosterone not only give a boy a deeper voice but sets him up for sexual reproduction too.Testosterone is the male hormone that begins to spread around the body during puberty in a boy. Besides a deep voice it brings pubic hair and growth to the penis, testicles, arms, legs, feet, hands. You name it !

How do you deepen your voice?

Unless you consider some risky hormone treatments, there is nothing that will deepen your voice. Your voice will naturally deepen as you go through puberty. The deepening is due to the thyroid cartilage and vocal cords growing.

Does voice changes in teenage?

The voice change is the result of structural changes in the larynx (voice box) under the influence of the male hormone testosterone. Voice change in the average boy begins in early puberty when a boy's testicles begin to enlarge and produce testosterone. The specific age this takes place will depend on when puberty begins, and puberty may begin any time between ages 10 years to 14 years. There is then a gradual change or deepening of voice throughout puberty. The average age for completion of voice change is between 14 and 16 years, but just as there is a significant variation in the timing of puberty so is there in voice change.