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Q: What hormones cause morning sickness?
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Do you only get morning sickness when having a girl?

No, you can get morning sickness when expecting a boy or a girl. It is a myth that you only experience it with one or the other. It's the hormones that are released during pregnancy that cause morning sickness, and these are the same when the baby is a boy and when the baby is a girl

Why do some women get morning sickness when others don't?

women get morning sickness because there hormones are changing.

Can i feel sick in the morning when im on my period as if it were morning sickness?

Yes you can, even if your not pregnant hormones from periods make u feel sick.

Has anyone been really Hungry at 7 weeks and no morning sickness yet. I am a Twin and wondering if I have two in there?

Mostly when you have twins your morning sickness is double because your body is producing double the amount of hormones.

How long will morning sickness last for?

Morning sickness really starts during first trimester but it will subside if the hormones progesterone comes down in the second trimester.

Can you get morning sickness at 4 weeks pregnant?

Yes. You can get morning sickness as early as 2 weeks after sex

When do pregnant dogs have morning sickness?

Dogs do not get morning sickness, as this would be a great downfall if the dog was wild, as it would be vulnerable to predators. There hormones would change too though the same as us women :)

Can stress give u morning sickness?

YES! Stress is definitely a cause of morning sickness. try to find something that can keep you calm. try breathing in deep breaths or listening to some of your favorite music. Sometimes even the daddy can get morning sickness. That is called sympathy morning sickness.

What can i take for morning sickness?

Morning sickness results from hormones that elevate during pregnancy. There are a variety of home remedies that are said to help cure morning sickness. However, doctors now also can prescribe drugs similar to those taken by chemo patients in order to help resolve the ill feeling.

If I'm not throwing up when I am pregnant does that mean something is wrong?

NO... it just means you are extremely lucky... some ppl dont get morning sickness nand some ppl do. All morning sickness is is how your body reacts to the hormones.

What are the signs of a healthy embryo?

morning sickness is a good sign it means your hormones are increasing and your embryo is growing and pregnancy advancing. good luck

Why does your baby have no heart beat but you are still feeling morning sickness?

Because your body and the embryo secreat hormones that make you sick sometimes..