

What hot liquid spews out of an erupting volcano?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What hot liquid spews out of an erupting volcano?
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Where does the material that spews out of a hot spot volcano come from?

The material that spews out of a hot spot volcano comes from deep within the Earth's mantle. It is formed when the intense heat and pressure from the mantle cause molten rock, called magma, to rise to the surface through the volcano's vent. This magma can also contain gases and other materials that contribute to the explosive eruptions of hot spot volcanoes.

What name is given to the liquid inside the volcano?

There are several "fiery liquds" that emanate from volcanos. The most common is molten rock.

Why would a hot spot volcano stop erupting?

lower magma reserves or the volcano tube has closed/shifted.

What will a rock do inside a volcano if it get hot?

It will plug up the volcano, which will usually keep the volcano from erupting for about 100 years. However, after that, the entire volcano itself will explode.

What burst out of volcano?

When a volcano erupts, the earth is opened up to produce lava, which is magma that has reached the surface. Sometimes, there are materials, or fragments, that are ejected from the volcano by the force of the volcano erupting. These blobs of lava are called Pyroclastic material.

What is an erupting hot spring?

An erupting hot spring occurs when pressure builds up underground, causing a sudden release of steam, water, and rocks. This eruption can be triggered by changes in temperature or other geological factors. Erupting hot springs are natural phenomena that can be dangerous if not approached with caution.

Lava reaches how many degrees?

Lava is molten rock that spews from an erupting volcano. It is extremely hot, reaching temperatures as high as 1,300 to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit (704 to 1093 degrees Celsius). In a volcanic eruption, lava is in liquid form. When it solidifies, it forms igneous rock. However, it can take quite a long time to cool, traveling great distances before becomes solid

What happens when lava and glass meet?

Glass is made when sand is heated to such a high temperature that it's as hot as an erupting volcano. Not that I've actually tested this but the glass would most likely turn into liquid glass.

What are some volcanoes that begin with the letter Z?

Some volcano words are: boiling hot lava molten metamorphic rock erupting tall volcano(of course)

What is the hot liquid that flows from a volcano called?


What is a hot molten liquid that comes from the top of a volcano?

Lava is melted rock that comes from the volcano.

What is a hot liquid rock spewed by a volcano?

Lava or Magma.