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Salt, used for seasoning.

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Q: What household item has the chemical name sodium chloride?
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What common household item is made from the elements sodium and chloride?

Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl) combine to create salt (the common kitchen variety), also known as Sodium Chloride (NaCl).

Is compacted salt explosive?

if you mean common salt, sodium chloride (NaCl), then no. it is not possible for it to be explosive on its own. otherwise we would not have it as a household item

What common household item has NaCl as its chemical formula?

a toaster is a common household item that has the chemical NaCI

Which household item is made from the elments sodium and chlorine?


What Household item is Sodium in?

Food. It's a household Item right? But I don't think it's used other than refining metals and to strengthen the buildings.

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What household item has the chemical formula h2so4?

Sulfuric acid.

What is an example if a household item that contains soduim bicarbonate?

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate

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What item is made out of calcium chloride and sodium carbonate and sodium chloride?

glass is the most important use of sodium carbonate. when it is combined with sand and calcium carbonate and heated at very high temperatures, and cooled rapidly, glass is prodused. this type of glass is known soda lime glass

What Household item is Sodium Nitrite in?

it is a common food preservative for processes meat products, ie hotdogs, sausages etc

What Household item can represent the job of leafs?

What is the primary function of leaves ? To collect sunlight (supplying the plant with energy for chemical reactions required for life). What household item collects sunlight (for use as energy) ? Solar panels.