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Q: What human activities may increase the level of geenhouse gases in the atmosphere?
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How are humans adding more geenhouse gases too the atmosphere carbon dioxite?

This is because gases like carbon dioxide and methane trap the heat to a much greater extent than oxygen or nitrogen.

Global warming is thought to be caused by the increase of what substances?

The increase is in greenhouse gases (CO2. methane) in the atmosphere. These gases and others are produced both naturally and by industrial activities including burning of fossil fuels.

How may humans activities be warming earth's atmosphere?

Almost all the industrial activities leads to production of gases such as carbon di oxide,carbon monoxide and other green house gases.... it's quite obvious that green house gases increase the temperature of the earth's atmosphere by blocking and re-radiating the I-R rays into the atmosphere that have been reflected from the earth's surface previously .......

The greenhouse effect is a direct result of?

Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trapping the sun's heat. Geenhouse gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane become warm from infra-red heat given off by the warmed earth.

Do the gases in the atmosphere increase or decrease global warming?

The greenhouse gases are increasing global warming.

What does an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere mean?

It means there is more greenhouse gases in the air. Greenhouse gases absorb and hold the sun's heat. So an increase means that the atmosphere gets warmer, globally (global warming).

When carbon dioxide levels increase in the atmosphere what happens to global temperatures?

When greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere then the temperature rises. Greenhouse gases capture heat rising from the surface of the earth and prevent it escaping to space.

Do greenhouse gases in the atmosphere reduce holes in the ozone shield?

No, greenhouse gases do not reduce the hole. In the contrary, they increase the size of the hole.

How can a build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increase Earth's global temperature?

When greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere then the temperature rises. Greenhouse gases capture heat rising from the surface of the earth and prevent it escaping to space.

Why are levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases rising?

One argument is because of the human activities: -By burning fossil fuels, emitting CO2 into the atmosphere. -By other human activities that releases gases such as Methane CO into the atmosphere Another is by deforestation which destroys the amount of trees that is there to consume the CO2 emitted.

Which change in the atmosphere appears to contribute to global warming?

The increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, particularly carbon dioxide, is causing global warming.

True or False The increase or decrease of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere affect climate and weather the world over?

True. The increase or decrease of greenhouse gases does affect the atmosphere. This includes globally cold or hot temperatures, along with shifts in the climate and weather the world over.