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Q: What human cells have high energy needs?
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Why do cells need energy to survive?

cells are composed of highly ordered molecules that contain high-energy hydrocarbon bonds

Can other molecules besides glucose be used in cellular respiration?

ADP can be used to produce ATP in Cellular Respiration, as well.

what TYPE of animal cell that has a lot of mitochondra?

Cells that require a lot of energy to carry out their functions, such as muscle cells and nerve cells, tend to have a high concentration of mitochondria. Muscle cells, for example, require a lot of energy to contract and relax, so they have a high density of mitochondria to produce the ATP (adenosine triphosphate) required for energy. Similarly, nerve cells require a lot of energy to transmit signals along their length, so they also have a high concentration of mitochondria. Other cells that have a high density of mitochondria include liver cells, which have a lot of metabolic processes, and kidney cells, which require a lot of energy to carry out their filtration function.

Radiation treatment kills cancer cells by?

by killing cancer cells with high-energy waves.

ATP is the energy currency in cells by releasing the energy stored in what kind of bonds?

high energy phosphatidyl bond.