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Q: What human organ brings together maternal and fetal circulation?
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What is feto-maternal?

Feto-maternal refers to a fetus and its mother. Fetal-maternal hemorrhage refers to the entry of fetal blood into the maternal circulation before or during delivery.

Fetal kidneys do not have to work very hard because?

Due to the placenta and the exchange of nutrients and waste products from the fetal to the maternal circulation the fetal kidneys are not that important to the baby's health.

How does fetal circulation differ from the circulation pattern after birth?

How does fetal circulation differ from adult circulation?How does fetal circulation differ from adult circulation?

Could toxins pass through the placenta to the embryo?

Yes, it is possible for this to happen and it can result in fetal death, miscarriage or stillbirth. However, there are several control points in the placenta to help reduce this risk, including the barriers between maternal circulation and fetal circulation.

How are maternal to fetal infections passed?

Maternal to fetal infections are transmitted from the mother to her fetus, either across the placenta during fetal development (prenatal) or during labor and passage through the birth canal (perinatal).

What are other names for prenatal surgery?

Fetal surgery, antenatal surgery, or maternal-fetal surgery.

What has helped to reduce maternal-fetal transmission of HIV?

In developed countries widespread HIV testing and anti-retroviral therapy have reduced maternal-fetal transmission dramatically.

How is the fetal circulation transformed instantaneously into the adult circulation with practically no transition?

The fetal circulation is based mainly on the veinous circulation during pregnancy. Once the uterine connections are lost, the adult circulation takes over.

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Vein of the fetal pig that carries oxygenated blood?

There are two veins that carry oxygen they are the Pulmonary vein and the Umbilical vein:-)

How can maternal-to-fetal HSV transmission be prevented?

Prevention of maternal-to-fetal HSV transmission includes abstaining from sexual activity during the last trimester; using a condom; postponing membrane rupture; avoiding a fetal monitor; and, avoiding vacuum or forceps deliveries.

Does maternal and fetal blood mix together?

The maternal and fetal circulatory systems are separated by the placental barrier; some molecules (for example nutrients, oxygen, and certain proteins) are able to pass through, but "blood" doesn't. Injuries could result in the blood mixing, but this is a bad thing and is not supposed to happen to any significant degree.