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Q: What human organ is responsible for detoxification of red blood cells?
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Related questions

What cells can you find in human blood?

You can find red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in human blood.

What is responsible for defending blood against the pathogens?

White blood cells ingest the pathogens to prevent them from harming the human body

What part of human blood carries hormones and nutrients?

The plasma, or liquid part of the blood, is primary responsible for transporting nutrients, hormones, and wastes. Oxygen, in contrast, is carried by the red blood cells.

Enzyme responsible for indefinite growth of human cancer cells?

Telomerase is responsible for indefinite growth of human cancer cells.

What organelle is found in frog's blood cells that's not found in human blood cells?

Frog red blood cells contain a nucleus, whereas human red blood cells do not.

What is the shape of the chief cells of human red blood cells?

The shape of the human red blood cells is that it is biconcave in shape.

What organ in the human body is responsible for food and oxygen?

The heart is responsible for supply of food and oxygen to all the cells in your body. The function is done through blood supply.

Does the human skeleton produce blood cells?

Yes the skeletal system is responsible for the production of blood cells, called hemopoiesis. This occurs in the spongy bone in the red marrow. And, sometimes in the yellow marrow of the medullary cavity.

What is in the human blood?

Red Blood Cells White Blood Cells Plasma Platelets

What are some types of human cells?

Some types of human cells include red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), skin cells (keratinocytes), nerve cells (neurons), and muscle cells (myocytes).

Which organ is responsible for producing the hormone insulin to lower blood sugars in the human body?

Pancreas is an endocrine gland that contain cells known as beta cells that produces insulin.

How do blood cells protect the human body from microorganisms?

White Blood Cells