

What hunts Killer Whales?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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13y ago

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Orcas or killer whales have no natural predators.

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Q: What hunts Killer Whales?
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What predator hunts whale?

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They are classed as toothed whales. The Killer Whales (Orca orca) is an example of a toothed whale, and a hunter killer, who hunts as a member of a family group (pod).

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Mostly Sharks and killer whales but humans are probably the biggest predators.

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Animals that hunt pikas include:eagleshawkscoyotesbobcatsfoxesweasels:) hope I helped

Which type of whale hunts in group to catch its prey?

Orca Whales some people might known them as Killer Whales. The Killer Whales or The Orca Whales hunt in groups called "Pods".

Which type of whale hunts in groups?

Orca Whales, also known the Killer Whales, hunt in small groups which are called "pods".

What hunts for killer Wales?

no animals that I know of hunt killer whales although humans do. (unless you consider humans animals then there is one animal)

Which type of whale hunts in packs?

Killer Whales (Orca orca), dolphins and porpoises are known to actively hunt in packs.

Do dolphins eat whales?

There is one species of dolphin that hunts whales and that is a killer whale. In case you did not know killer whales are actually a species of oceanic dolphin in the family delphinidae. The reason we call it a killer whale is because it has been seen killing whales the name killer whale was originally killer of whales but over time has been shortened to killer whale. Killer whales will hunt down whale calves and have even been known trying to prey on blue whales ! :)