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It can be if it comes from a kosher company.

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Q: What ice cream is kosher for Passover?
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Is ice cream kosher for Passover?

Most ice cream is not kosher for passover, but you might be able to find ice creamwith a reliable Passover hashgacha (kosher certification for passover). But if it onlyhas a regular year-round kosher symbol, that doesn't by itself mean that it is kosherfor passover.(Note that while it might be possible to find ice cream that is kosher for Passover,you cannot eat it as part of the Passover Seder meal, as ice cream is dairy andthe Seder meal contains meat. The Torah forbids Jews to mix the two.Addendum (by another contributor):My mother used to make ice cream during Passover.

Is carvel ice cream cake kosher for passover?

No. You should eat lamb instead

Which blue bell ice creams are kosher?

Any cheeses made from kosher ingredients by a manufacturer that is certified kosher is kosher. Kosher refers to any food prepared according to the laws of kashrut (Jewish dietary laws), it is not a style of food.

What flavors do kosher ice cream come in?

Kosher ice cream can come in any flavor, there is practically a substitute for every food now a days. However, not everywhere that sells ice cream may have Kosher options. Your best bet is to ask someone who works there if they have any Kosher flavors.

Is malt flavoring kosher for Passover?

It would have to be certified kosher for Passover.

Is welsh grape juice kosher for Passover?

The label has to say "Kosher for Passover"

Are pistachios Kosher for Passover?

Yes, only if they are specifically certified kosher for passover. You can find kosher for Passover olives at any Jewish supermarket

Is whiskey kosher for Passover?

It can be, it would require a valid Passover hechsher.

Is prairie farms ice cream kosher?

Some Prairie Farms ice creams are certified kosher, you would have to check the package for a valid kashrut hechsher.

Is cognac kosher for passover?

Yes, it can be since it is made from wine, which can be Kosher for passover if created under appropriate supervision. The bottle would require a kosher for Passover hechsher.

Is any brand of Vinegar kosher for Passover?

If you were able to find corn vinegar that is certified kosher for Passover, it would be kitniyot which means that the majority of Ashkenazi Jews would not use it.

Is there kosher ice cream?

Yes! You can buy it in many stores, such as No Frills, Sobeys, basically anywhere, as long as it has a kosher symbol. (COR, MK, OU etc. just to name a few) You can even get kosher ice cream at ice cream parlours like Baskin Robbins. Note: I am Canadian, so this information may vary depending on where you live.