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Q: What id basic principle of spectral analysis?
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Which element of Freuds personality theory is guided by the pleasure principle?


What are some internal factors that may influence personality?

Physical and emotional health, intelligence

In Freud's model of personality what part is considered to be governed by the pleasure principle?


In the Freudian psychoanalytic perspective the id is to the pleasure principle as the ego is?


Which part of the personality is governed by the pleasure principle according to Freud?

the id

What is id ego and super igo?

The id is pretty much the pleasure principle. It is the selfish side of you and is also called your wild side. The super ego is the morality principle. It is the bossy and rigid side of your personality. These two class against each other constantly. The ego is the reality principle. It mediates between the id and the super ego to get a balance between the two.

Which these statements best defines the id?

The id represents a person's basic survival needs, such as hunger and thirst.

Name the three primary Hazard ID tools presented in Module 1 Fundamentals?

The Operations Analysis, Preliminary Hazard Analysis, and the What-If Tool

According to Freud the id seeks immediate satisfaction and operates according to the pleasure principle?


According to Freud, what is the id most focused on?

According to Sigmund Freud, the ID focuses on basic needs, desires, and urges

This type of behavior is present at birth and does not have to be learned?

id ego- present from birth fcopaonent of personality, this id is driven by the pleasure principle which seeks immediate gratification of desires, wants and needs.

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