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Q: What idea did Persians steal from the Lydians?
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How did the Persians trade?

I really have no idea

What did lydians work for?

Lydians worked for the herdouts

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The most contribution of the lydians to history was?

lydians is the one who started using coins

When did the Lydians invent the coin?

The Lydians invented the coin around 500 BC

What are the lydians known for?

The Lydians are known for being the first to use real coinage money.

Did anyone steal the idea of cosmetics?

No no one stealed the idea of cosmetics.

If I didnt patent my Idea before I went to the Company with It Could they steal my Idea and get away with it And If so how do You go about patenting your idea?

If you didnt patent your idea then yes they could steal the idea if they wanted to and nothing could be done about it unfortunately .

How do you raise money for a business idea and not have the investors copy or steal your idea?

Have them sign an agreement that they will not use your idea.

What were the lydians known for?


What did Lydians created?

they created coins.....