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Q: What idea is the duty that citizens have a responsibility to help their country?
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Romans believed strongly in the idea that citizens have a responsibility to help their country so what was it called?

Any responsibility or duty was called a "munus". A civic duty would be a "munus civilis".

What is the prime duty of the government to its citizens?

to help them ... hope it helps

What do US presidents have in common?

All of the United States Presidents are men, they were all United States citizens, and they all had the responsibility of America and attempted to help improve the country.

Which is one duty of a consular office?

To help American citizens abroad James Thorpe

What duty of a US citizen is encouraged but not required?

One duty of a US citizen that is encouraged but not required is voting. While it is encouraged for citizens to participate in the democratic process by voting in elections, it is not a legal obligation. However, voting allows citizens to have a say in the decision-making process and can help shape the direction of the country.

What does the quote ask not what your country?

Means citizens have to get involved to help solve problems

Why do people in California pay taxes?

because they are American citizens they help support the country

Which statement would most likely be made by a supporter of the Affordable Care Act?

government must protect citizens from abuse by insurance companies

How can citizens take part in their government and can they help the US grow has a country?

Go protest. That ALWAYS works.

Did America have a duty to help its traditional allies why or why not?

Countries and people have a moral obligation to help friends and allies. If a country has a treaty with another country it may also be a legal obligation, depending on the terms of the treaty.

What is the leader's responsibility to help subordinates learn by?

It is the leader's responsibility to help subordinates learn by

What is the leader's responsibility to help subordinates learn?

It is the leader's responsibility to help subordinates learn by