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Q: What ideas are in the Northwest Ordinance that the founders will include in the Bill of Rights?
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What individual rights were guaranteed under the Northwest Ordinance?


What were some of the provisions in the Northwest Ordinance?

The Ordinance prohibited slavery North of the Ohio River.

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the Northwest Ordinance and the Articles of Confederation?

The northwest ordinance added to the guidlines for american expansion that were introduced in the articles of confederation

The Northwest Ordinance was farsighted in that it provided for?

With the opening of the frontier, and settlement in those areas by Americans, there was no bill of rights, or methods for admitting new states. The Northwest Ordinance was farsighted in that it provided rules for this.

What important rights did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 provide?

Bringing new states into a union

Land ordinance and northwest ordinance?

The land ordinance called for surveyors to stake out six-mile-square plots, called townships, in the western land. The northwest ordinance described how this land they established would be governed. (it ended up gaining rights to self-government)

What is a definition for northwest ordinance?

The Northwest Ordinance refers to a historical law passed by the United States Congress in 1787. It established guidelines for the governance and settlement of the Northwestern Territory, which included the area that is now the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The ordinance outlined principles such as the protection of individual rights, the prohibition of slavery, and the process for admitting new states to the Union.

To refuse to sign into laws?

When the president refuses to sign a bill into law, it is called a veto.

How did the northwest ordinance influence the constitution?

Nova Net: Citizens were guarenteed freedom of religion, trial by jury, and the rights of common law.

What were accomplishments of the Northwest Ordinance?

The three main achievements of the Northwest Ordinance were accelerating the westward expansion of the United States, advancement of education, and the maintenance of civil liberties. The ordinance also prohibited slavery in the newly settled territory.

How many years did a new state admitted under the Northwest Ordinance have to be in the Union to have the same privilege and rights of the thirteen original states?


How many years did a new state admitted under the northwest ordinance have to be in the union to have the same privileges and rights of the thirteen original state's?
