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Keel Lableel

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Q: What identifies the main catalyst for the Protestant Reformation in England in the 1500s?
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What is the main catalyst for the Protestant Reformation in England in the 1500' s?

95 Theses written by Martin Luther is considered the catalyst for the protestant reformation in England in the 1500's. It focused on the Catholic church practices.

What was the Protestant Reformation was the breaking away from?

The Church of England

Who was England's leader during the Protestant Reformation?

henry vlll

What sixteenth-century European upheaval had a profound impact upon England's settlement of the New World?

The Reformation of the Church of England

Who declared England a protestant country during the reformation?

Henry VIII .

During the reformation England became a what state?

It became a Protestant State.

Who initiated the Protestant Reformation in england?

Martin Luther

Who started the Protestant Reformation in England who had 6 wives?

henry VIII!

What is the effect of reformation to England?

It brought more religions to the country (catholic and protestant) and there was a tension between the Catholic and protestant.<3

What ingredients helped shaped Christianity?

The Protestant Reformation and the nailing of the 95 thesis on the Chatholic church in England.

The Protestant Reformation began in England?

The protestant revolt began in Germany on October 31, 1517 with Martin Luther nailing his theses to the Wittenburg Castle door.

What were the results of the religious struggle of the 1500's?

The religious struggles in Europe were the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-Reformation. It led to the establishment of the Jesuits within Catholicism and of several Protestant denominations, including the Lutheran Church and the Church of England.