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Identifying users by scanning their fingerprints is known as biometric authentication. This method uses the unique patterns in an individual's fingerprints to verify their identity. It is a secure way to access devices or information, as each person's fingerprint is distinct and difficult to replicate.

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What input or output device is used for identifying users by scanning their fingerprints?

Fingerprint Reader/Sensor/Scanner

What does the fingerprint expert do?

a fingerpri9nt expert is a specialist in identifying fingerprints

Who popularized the use of fingerprints for identifying offenders?

Sir Francis Galton, a British scientist, is often credited with popularizing the use of fingerprints for identifying offenders in the late 19th century. He conducted extensive research on fingerprints and their uniqueness, advocating for their use in criminal investigations.

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Identifying people using features like fingerprints are called what?

recognition peoples

Under what circumstances are DNA fingerprints used?

In most cases DNA fingerprints are used in identifying crime suspects. If there are fingerprints left at a crime scene then DNA fingerprints are used to attempt to identify the suspect. There is a database of criminal fingerprints that prints can be matched to if they are in the database.

What are the three elements of see what there is to see while driving?

scanning, identifying, seeing

How can you control a situation on the road?

By scanning the road ahead of you and identifying the threats along the way.

Where were fingerprints first used in detective work?

Fingerprints were first used in detective work in the 19th century in British India by Sir William James Herschel. He implemented the use of fingerprints as a means of identifying individuals and preventing impersonation.

How many types of fingerprints are there?

The fingerprint of every individual is unique, hence it is often used as an identifying factor. There are three main types of fingerprints: whorls, arches and loops.

Are fingerprints the only truly unique method of identifying a person?

No. DNA can also provide proof positive.

What is the first country that used to identify criminals with fingerprints?

The first country to officially use fingerprints for criminal identification was Argentina in the 1890s. Juan Vucetich, an Argentine police official, pioneered the use of fingerprints in solving crimes and identifying suspects.