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I know for a fact that it is possible for a 12 year old girl to actually have a baby.

There would in most countries be some involvement according to law and then decide what to do. The father of the baby could be in severe trouble depending again on his age.

Such young girls will in most cases be talked into having an abortion.

With support from family (Mother/Father) or legal guardian/adoptive parents even a girl this young can "choose" to keep the baby.

The greatest issue is perhaps the pressure applied by a mother or father that does not want to become grandparents just yet.

An abortion might be a choice but if the girl is having no medical threatening issues then she will most likely go through with pregnancy as most woman would.

The law protects children by stating that you should not have sex until a certain age. At the same time the law protects the baby in many states and countries by saying that an abortion is not to happen after a certain time into the pregnancy. This varies by country and state.

As a child of 12 is not fully developed bone-wise the baby might be delivered prematurely as to minimize problems giving birth or slightly prematurely by C-section because the pelvic bones might not give passage to the baby just yet.

In both cases the baby will be delivered in a perfectly safe manner and the family will have another member to it.

In some cases where family is not the least bit interested in helping the mother and take care of the baby properly it will most likely be put up for adoption as a 12 year old child will be considered unable to properly support the baby all by herself.

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15y ago

Since you are 12 years old well you have to tell your parents or tell someone you trust to take you to get an abortion or you can get abortion pills.

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