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Although you may not like a president (or a vice president), it is very difficult for either of them to be impeached, and there is a very high standard for that to occur. In order to proceed with impeachment, there must be evidence of unlawful activity: the House of Representatives initiates the procedure, based on evidence that either or both men have committed high crimes and misdemeanors, or treason. While there are many people who disagree with the policies of Barack Obama and/or Joe Biden, there is no credible evidence of criminal activity, nor is there proof that either of them has done anything that deserves impeachment.

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Q: What if Biden and Obama get impeached?
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Who would be Biden's CO president if Obama is impeached?

Osama Bin Laden

What happens if Obama gets impeached?

If Obama were to be impeached by the House of Representatives, he would then face trial in the Senate. If he were found guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors he would be removed from office and Joe Biden would become President. If his crimes were serious enough, he could then be indited in a normal court if he were not simply pardoned by Biden.

Who becomes vice president if Obama gets impeached and biden becomes president?

Biden would then nominate someone to be vice-president and if he is confirmed by both houses of Congress he would be the vice-president.

Did Obama pick Biden for VP as a hedge against impeachment?

No, this is totally false. Certain political talk show hosts enjoy saying the candidate they oppose should be impeached, but in this case, there is no evidence that Mr. Obama has done anything that is a "high crime" or a "misdemeanor." Not liking someone's politics is no reason for them to be impeached. As for the reason for choosing Mr. Biden, President Obama picked him for the same reason President Bush picked Mr. Cheney: these were veteran politicians with useful experience in foreign policy.

Was Obama the government of Illinois and was Biden the government of Delaware?

No, neither President Obama nor Joe Biden were governors. Both were United States senators-- Obama from Illinois and Biden from Delaware.

How old are Barack Obama and Joe Biden?

Barack Obama is 48 and Joe Biden is 66 as of August 2009.

Who did Obama choose as his running mate in 2012?

In the 2008 election, presidential candidate Barack Obama chose Joe Biden (then a senator from Delaware) as his running mate. In 2012, President Obama has kept the same running mate, the current vice president, Joe Biden.

What are the vice presidents for Obama?

Obama's VP was Joe Biden.

Who is Biden?

Joe Biden was elected to be Barrack Obama's 2008 running mate

Who pick Obama succesor?

You did - Joe Biden

What is the birthplace of Obama and joe biden?

President Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1961. Vice President Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania in 1942.

What is obama vice-president name?

the Vice President of the USA is Joe Biden