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The gauze pads absorb the blood from the wound after the extraction so that you don't have blood floating around in your mouth, swallowing it or possibly dripping out. Your dentist should have given you several pads to use and you should change the pad when it is saturated with blood.

If the bleeding has stopped, it should be ok to stop using it. If the bleeding continues or gets worse you should call your dentist.

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Q: What if I stop using gauze pads after tooth extraction?
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If you smoke after a tooth extraction what should you do?

First let me say I am no dentist but I am a smoker that has had teeth removed before......I actually just got 2 more teeth removed 3 days ago! 1st wet gauze pads and cover the holes up 2nd make sure to inhale from the opposite side that your teeth got pulled 3rd take baby hits and let the smoke out through your nose Hope this helps you!

What is the difference between sterile and non-sterile gauze?

One is guaranteed to have no microorganisms on it inside the sterile packaging, the other is clean but is not guaranteed to have no microorganisms on it.

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How do you take off a tooth?

How to pull you're own tooth yes it can be done. For the following you will need one clean pair of pliers, one clean wash cloth for padding around the tooth, some beer or strong liquor, a few gauze pads. Now lets begin get a buzz on with the beer or liquor take the wash cloth put that around the tooth you intend to take out so you don't feel the pressure on the tooth from the pliers and to reduce have a tooth break now pull back and forth in a rocking motion when the tooth loose enough pull then give it a good pull straight down it should come right out just make sure you have gotten all of the root out now if the tooth is lower part of you're mouth do the same but pull in an upward rocking motion it should come right out place a gauze pad in the socket and keep you're mouth clean as you can get drunk. A few other notes if a tooth is rotted near the gum line yes it might break off but that is a risk you have to deal with you can also use salt water to help with the pain and healing healing process.