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Yes, they can call the police. The legal age to move out is 18 and no marraige is legal at that age until your parents give consent. So you are a runaway and have an illegal marraige which will not be recognized by law. Hopefully the girl is under 18 because if she is not, then she could be charged with statitory rape for having sex with a minor. The problems are piling up, do you really want to start out a married/family life like this?

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Q: What if a 16 year old runs away from the state and is pregnant?
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What rights does a pregnant seventeen year old old have in the state of Florida if they are considered a runaway?

The law on runaways in the State of Florida include a citation. When a juvenile runs away, they are either detained until a parent picks them up or brought home to the custody of the parents. A runaway in the State of Florida will have a court date.

Can a pregnant 17 year old from California get married in Georgia without parents consent?

No. At 17 you are a minor, pregnant or not, and if you leave the state without your parents permission that makes you a run away.

Is a fifteen year old allowed to live with a 16 year old even if the fifteen year old is pregnant or is that illegal?

It depends on your State and your situation; I would recommend talking to a councilor or adult you trust about things. Two things we can say right away though is that you can not move out without parental permission and if sex is not legal in your state at your age, it is still not legal eventhough you are pregnant.

What may happen to a 17-year-old who runs away from home in the state of North Carolina?

You will possibally end up beaten,raped, and/or possibly dead., the same as any other state!!

What may happen to a 17-year-old who runs away from home in the state of Washington?

They can be picked up as a runaway. They can be returned home or sent to a foster home.

What are things you can do if your 18 year old runs away?

get over it!

If you ran away with your 20 year old fiance and in a safe environment and two months pregnant can the law do something about it?

The most important part of this question is missing... how old is the pregnant female? If she is an adult, no, they cannot. If underage........ how old? It depends on the state laws.

Can a 23 year old go to jail for getting a 16 year old pregnant?

differs state to state, all a matter for where you live.

In the state of Texas can a 16 year old pregnant female marry her 18 year old boyfriend without parental consent?

No. In the state of TX, pregnant or not, a minor needs parental permission in order to marry.

Can a 15 year old girl marry a 16 year old boy if she is pregnant?

with parents consent and you will have to look into your local and state laws they vary from state to state

What happens if a 16 year old runs away from the state?

If a 16-year-old runs away from their state, they may be reported as a runaway to law enforcement. The authorities will try to locate and return the minor to their legal guardians or place them in a protective custody facility while attempting to resolve the situation with the family. underage individuals who run away can often face risks to their safety and well-being.