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The force of friction is equal in magnitude to the applied force and opposite in its direction. The force of friction may also increase if you increase the applied force, up to a certain limit.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Let us say that you are pushing on a large rock, and the rock is not moving. There is a gravitational force that is holding the rock in place, which is larger than the force that you are applying. Your muscular exertions will only produce waste heat. So, even though force is defined as that which can cause an acceleration of a mass, in some circumstances an insufficient force will cause no acceleration.

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13y ago

a force too weak to move the object


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11y ago

It is a balanced force because if it balanced, nothing can happen. it cant accelerate or sslow down or stop or change direction.

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13y ago

Nothing happens.

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Cassandra Urbanski

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4y ago

Balanced force

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Q: What if a force is applied but nothing happens?
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What is a force applied but nothing happens?

If a force is applied to an object, but the object does not move or change its shape, then the force is likely being balanced by an equal and opposite force. This situation is described by Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What happens when a force is applied to an object?

The object will not move!!!

What happens to acceleration is force increases?

it increases in direct proportion to the force applied

When acceleration is increased what happens to force?

it increases in direct proportion to the force applied

What happens when a balanced force is applied to an object?

When a balanced force is applied to an object, the object will remain at rest or continue moving at a constant velocity. This is because the net force on the object is zero, resulting in no change in its motion.

What is a force applied to a confined fluid?

Surface Tension happens

What happens to a moving object when force is applied?

The object is accelerated in the direction of the net (or resultant) force.

What happens when force is applied to an object?

When a force is applied to an object, it can cause the object to accelerate, change shape, or deform depending on the strength and direction of the force. The object will experience a change in motion or internal stress in response to the applied force.

What happens to the acceleration if the force applied is increase three times?

If the force applied is increased three times while keeping the mass constant, the acceleration will also increase by a factor of three. This relationship is described by Newton's second law of motion, which states that the acceleration is directly proportional to the force applied.

What happens scietifically when 1000 of force to an object with 1100N of resistance force?

When an object is subjected to a force of 1000N and it is resisting with a force of 1100N, the object will not move because the applied force is less than the resistance force. The object will remain in a state of equilibrium.

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What happens when a downward force is applied to a triangle?

that depends on how it is placed, vertically or diagonally .