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Okay This happen to me too but I'm a girl and i like my ex a lot but he dumped me and he flirts more then normal okay the answer is that she still likes you but what happen was that she likes someone else and thinks you might dump her or you will not like her later on in life and she wants it to end before she really hurts you. If you have any other questions just ask me on myspace or msn i help a lot of ppl with dating problems


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she probs still likes you

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Q: What if a girl dumped you but you still like her and she still flirts a lot with you?
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Why does a girl still flirt with you her knowing you like her and she already has a boyfriends?

she still flirts with because she is probably trying to make her boyfriend jealous... or get him back for something he did.

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Yes, because whenever a guy flirts with you it either means they like you or they are just being flirty. But if this ex still flirts with you and tells other people that he likes you obviously that means he still has feelings for you. Yes, because whenever a guy flirts with you it either means they like you or they are just being flirty. But if this ex still flirts with you and tells other people that he likes you obviously that means he still has feelings for you.

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it basically means that they like you...

If a girl tells other people your just friends but still flirts with you does she like you?

Better just ignore her,yes if not she is playing not always.. but its possible

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I think it'd be called Girl Who Was Dumped In The Forest.....

Ive been with this girl she dumped you you really fancy her still what do you do now?

Forget about her. You cant make someone like you. If she realizes she still likes you then she will come back. If not, then she wasnt the girl for you. Just let it go.

How to tell if a girl likes me?

Usually if a girl flirts with you and wants to spend a lot of time with you, then she may like you.

How do you know a girl like you if she flirts a lot with other people?

Simple, ask her.

How do you get a girl to like you after she dumped you?

Ignore her and go out with someone else

What should you do-middle school-i like boy with girlfriend-flirts with you-friend asked if he liked?

If you are in middle school and a boy flirts with you, but has a girlfriend, you should ignore his flirting. Even if he likes you, he still has a girlfriend. You should respect his relationship with the other girl since you would not want him to flirt with another girl if he was your boyfriend.

What if you like him and he flirts with you but he has a girlfriend?

Let's say he does like you and he ends up leaving the girl for you. Would you really want someone who flirts with other people when he's already with someone? Be careful of this guy, because if he did this to one girl, he could do it to you.