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probably nothing much: In controlled trials conducted to establish the efficacy of XANAX in panic disorder, doses in the range of 1 to 10 mg daily were used. You might get a bit sedated.

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14y ago
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14y ago

You will probably not die, but someone around you will think that you are going to die so they'll rush you off to the ER and you'll be given charcoal and/or have your stomache pumped. Otherwise, you'll probably just pass out and wake up feeling really, really down for about two or three days. It's not the smartest thing to do!

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13y ago

yes of course you can, in fact i just took 2 of them and im perfectly relaxed and doing fine.

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11y ago

i took 5 a couple nights ago. I dont remember a thing pretty much and broke a few things

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10y ago

400mg of Xanax is a potentially lethal dose. But, it depends on the individual. Things such as body mass and whether they have been taking Xanax and built up a tollerance.

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100 more xanax lol

How many xanax doesit take to pass out?

The dose it takes to make a person pass out from using xanax or other benzodiazepines depends on that person's bmi, other biological factors, and if they also took other drugs or medications with it. The amount is not the same for everyone. Also, when xanax is taken with other depressants, such as alcohol, the risk of passing out and other dangerous consequences are increased.

Will 100 5Mg of xanax kill?


Will Xanax show up in a CBC?

100% no

Should a person with epilepsy take xanax's?


Does probation and parole test for xanax when they perform their urinalysis?

i am not 100% but they probobly do, xanax is a benzodiszapine. i am trying to find out what parole officers look for myself.

How long does it take xanax to get out of your system to be clean for a drug test?

it takes at the least 21days

How can a person still have Xanax in their system and fail a urine test after 10 days?

Xanax can stay in your system uo to 30 days.

How much does Xanax?

At my local pharmacy for #100 0.5 mg cost $27.00.

What happens when a person takes a Molly pill with a xanax?

It makes your roll stress free! I like to take Xanax when I know I'm about to start coming down. A Xanax and a blunt at the en of the night gets me feeling great and helps big time with sleep. Also you wake up without anxiety but maybe a little groggy. Some people think my routine is weird but I think it's the best way to do it

Can you mix xanax and Ativan?

A person should not mix Ativan and Xanax. This is because the two drugs work with the body in the same way and could cause an overdose.

What if person is put on a ventilater from od on xanax?

First of all, I AM NOT A DOCTOR OR NURSE. But I know that a Xanax overdose causes respiratory depression. It would depend on the person and how much taken. This could be a temporary thing to help with breathing until the drug can be flush out of the system. Unfortunately, a person can die from Xanax overdose. It would vary depending on the size of the person, their health, and how quickly they got to the hospital, and also the amount of the drug taken.