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If the officer pulled you over then he had a reason otherwise that is illegal. He can issue the ticket based on that reason. That is called probable cause. If an officer pulls you over and can not articulate probable cause then he must immediately release you because it would then be an illegal detention.

Another View: In many (most?/all?) states officers are allowed to conduct random 'spot checks' of motorists to determine if they are operating in conformance with the state's laws regarding proper licensing, registration and insurance compliance.

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Q: What if a police officer pulls you over and they cant find a reason to issue a ticket?
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Can non certified police officer write traffic ticket?

Based on the question, I assume the officer in question is employed by the police department; however, has not completed training through the state. Yes, the police officer can issue a ticket. Although not certified, the officer has been granted authority through the police department, and holds the authority to do anything that a certified officer may do (within reason).

Can a police officer take your license for a broken windshield?

no but he can issue you a ticket because of it.

Can a Texas police officer issue a ticket for parking on a sidewalk in a shopping center?

Yes, most definitiely.

Can an off duty officer issue a ticket in Alabama?

No, an off duty officer can not issue a ticket in the state of Alabama. An officer must be on duty before they arrest someone or issue a ticket.

Can a police officer give a parking ticket in an apartment complex in Virginia?

Yes, if the owner of the complex has given the police written permission to issue tickets on the property.

Does a police officer have to be present to issue you a citation for you to sign?

If a police officer doesn't have a person to sign their ticket, the ticket is still valid in any state. It is only a myth that the ticket will be thrown out of court.

If someone hits me in a no fault state will they be issued a ticket from the police officer?

No Fault means just that. No Fault. However, you could both be cited for the accident, it will have to be determined in Traffic Court by a judge. If they are at fault, the police officer will issue a ticket. No fault insurance doesn't refer to the legality of the accident, only the compensation.

Can Police issue ticket after police report release?

I don't know in the US but in Canada most of the provincial Motor Vehicle Acts police have 12 months after the infraction to issue a ticket.

Can an officer give two speeding ticket for two vehicules behind each other?

A police officer can issue a citation to any vehicle that is in violation of the law. Their proximity to each other does not matter.