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Q: What if a solid object was taken from earth what things would change about it?
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How does particle behavior change as an object changes from a solid?

How does particle behavior change as an object changes from a solid to liquid to gas

What could you do to an object to change its density?

Adding heat to the object if the object is a solid.

Why isn't Earth square?

The earth is a 3-dimensional (solid) object.

What does the change in state involve?

A change of state is a change in the object from a solid to a liquid. Other changes of state are a solid to a gas or from a liquid to a solid.

What object can change from a solid to a gas?


How do you change a liquid to a solid?

you freeze the object.

What is the biggest solid object in the universe?

Earth is the largest fully rock object we know of. Neutron stars are the largest solid-like object we know of, but they aren't really fully solid. Somewhere between solid and liquid.

What is the study of the solid earth?

Geology is the study of solid Earth, its rocks and the processes by which they change.

A solid that changes to a liquid?

A solid object like an ice cube can be liquid. How you ask? you can just heat it up! to change a liquid object back to a solid, you just freeze it!

What is an amount of space an object occupies?

a phase change from solid to gas

What property changes if the size of an object changes?

The property of the object would change "solid, liquid, or gas"

Things which change their state when heated?
