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That's the attorneys job, isn't it?

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Q: What if an attorney gives false information in court?
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Where can I find information about hiring a federal criminal attorney.?

There's a guide to hiring a federal criminal attorney at Expert Law. It gives some information about federal criminal proceedings and grand jury testimony Hiring a federal criminal attorney is just like hiring any other attorney. Call your county bar association for referrals.

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The 6th amendment of the United States Constitution provides Americans the right to have a lawyer present if you have been charged with a crime. It has more recently been determined that if you cannot afford a lawyer, a court appointed lawyer will be provided.

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Just call the bankruptcy attorney's network at 877-530-8616 and they will hook you up with a local attorney in your area that gives out free bankruptcy evaluations.

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A witness who does not wish to testify in a court action; with the permission of the court, can be treated as a hostile witness which gives the attorney's much more leeway in questioning them. In addition, the judge has the option of holding them in contempt of court and (if it is a criminal trial) the prosecutor can charge them with Obstruction of Justice.