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They should be shot for non-compliance. They're elderly anyways.

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Q: What if an elderly resident in a care home refuses to have the fire door closed?
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What do elderly people care about?

Elderly people care about being comfortable in their own environment

When a resident refuses to let the home aide take her blood pressure what should the home care do?

She should call her supervisor for instructions. That type of issue should have been covered during training.

If a resident has a psychiatric illness and is refusing to have a shower what can you do?

Investigate why the reason of the refusal. There are many reasons why a resident refuses to have a shower. The resident does not feel well, resident believes that the care giver or PSW does not do a proper job. Some times residents get scare of having showers because of mistreatment at the shower room. There may exist other reasons associated with the health condition of the resident. The Director of Care and relatives should get involved with the situation and provide a prompt solution to the problem.

Do care plans have to be locked away in care homes for the elderly or can they be placed on their rooms?

Care plans do not have to be locked away in the care homes for the elderly as they can be kept on their rooms.

Why are facilities for elderly care homes needed?

elderly because of top care homes Bexhill-on-Sea care facility for dementia patients and care home.

What types of services are offered in palliative care?

Palliative care is the care of the elderly in their daily hygenic, medical, and orthopedic care and is administered by nursing homes and by elderly care homes.

What does it called when you helping residence at a home?

If you are helping a resident at home, this could be called home health. You may also be a CNA, a nanny, or an elderly care person. This can all vary depending on specific circumstances.

One who deals with th eproblems of the elderly is an?

a person who takes care of elderly

What kind of problems occur in elderly care homes?

There are several different problems that can occur in elderly care homes. These include: elderly abuse, neglect of clientele, resistance to treatment from the elderly, and conflict between the staff and the residents.

What is a synonym for 'elderly geriatrics '?

A synonym for 'elderly geriatrics' could be 'senior care' or 'aged care'.

What does emi mean in care of dementia patients?

Elderly, mentally ill

How can you get medical care to someone who refuses to seek it?

You can try to convince somebody to get medical care to someone who refuses to seek it but you can not make them go get medical care cause it is up to them all you can do is try to get them to go but you can not force them to go get some medical care