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it would die because there are not enough blood that is needed in the body of the baby.......

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Q: What if baby is not getting enough blood from placenta?
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Does a baby get hurgry inside his mother belly?

No, the baby is supplied with food in its blood via the placenta, the placenta is connected to the mother's blood supply and the baby's food gets to it from the mothers blood.

Blood through the umbilical cord to the placenta?

Yes your blood supply is shared with your baby though the placenta.

Does the placenta have a good blood supply?

False- The placenta supplies the baby with the mother's blood during development.

Do mother and baby share blood?

No. The placenta produces and cleanses the blood for the fetus.

How is a baby nourished during gestation?

The placenta attaches to the child by three blood vessels that make up the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord has three blood vessels one for oxygen and nutrients from the placenta to the baby and two arteries carry deoxygenated fetal blood from the baby back to the placenta.

Does a baby inherit the blood if the mother has a blood transfusion?

No. Red blood cells do not cross the placenta.

What was producing blood for fetuses?

The placenta. The placenta is a organ in the uterus, that in addition to privading nutirents, is also providing blood for the baby. it also puts the baby's waste into the mother, for her own disposal.

What is the use of placenta?

The placenta is what gives the baby blood, nutrients and oxygen from the mother while in the womb. Without the placenta, the baby would have no way of surviving.

How does the addiction of drugs from the mother get to the baby?

Drugs in the mother's bloodstream pass across the membrane of the placenta, and transfer to the unborn baby's blood by the umbilical cord, which connects the baby to the placenta.

As the foetus develops in the womb the placenta plays an important role give two functions of the placenta?

The main function of placenta in pregnancy is to supply your baby with sufficient nourishment. Generally it is found to evaluate around one-sixth of your newborn's weight. Every minute during the pregnancy, approximately about 550 ml of blood gets pushed into the uterus to replace enough nutrients with the placenta for your baby.

How does a developing baby get food and oxygen during the pregnancy?

Baby gets food and oxygen through the umbilical cord. This umbilical cord is attached to the placenta. This placenta is attached to the uterus. In the placenta blood of the mother comes close to the blood of the fetus. There is transfer of food and oxygen to the blood of fetus from the blood of mother. Carbon bi oxide and waste products of metabolism are transferred to the blood of mother from the blood of fetus.

Through which part of the body can harmful substance such as nicotine pass from the mother's blood to the baby's blood?
