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Nothing serious if baby passes motion in womb.

Immedialy doctor will opt for C-section delivery.

There are chances for babies to swallow this a little inside womb. So it might be an emergency c-section.

Right after delivery baby would be shifted to NICU for some time (may be a day).

But nothing harmful for either mom or baby.

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I think it would either die or have problems or have huge injuries in the brain

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Q: What if baby passes meconium in the womb?
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What is the medical term meaning the condition in which a baby swallows feces while still in womb?

Meconium Aspiration

When would meconium be present?

Meconium is found in a baby's intestines during pregnancy. It is a thick green tar like substance. Usually the meconium is released after the baby's birth. However, sometimes a baby will have a bowel movement before birth and the meconium will then go into the amniotic fluid. This could be dangerous for the baby.

What is the meconium?

A greenish mass of mucous, desquamated epithelial cells, lanugo, and vernix caseosa that collects in the fetal intestine, becoming the first fecal discharge of the newborn.

Can a fetus have a bowel movement in the mother's uterus?

Meconium is the baby's first bowel movement and it is a thick green tar-like substance. For most babies, meconium is released shortly after they are born. However, some babies release meconium during labor and delivery. When a woman is in labor, her doctor will be able to tell if the baby has had a bowel movement because her amniotic fluid will be stained with meconium. The baby will be monitored very closely for any signs of fetal distress. If meconium is present during labor or birth, the baby can aspirate the meconium or swallow it. Once the baby is born, the doctor will perform suctioning to reduce the amount of meconium that the baby can aspirate. If the baby does inhale the meconium, it can cause Meconium Aspiration Syndrome which can lead to meconium aspiration pneumonia - both can be very serious. As a result, the baby will be closely monitored and may require a stay in the NICU for several days to a few weeks. Treatment may include antibiotics or a ventilator. The doctor will perform chest x rays to make sure the lungs are functioning normally. Babies swallowing meconium is more common than one may think. Ask some friends - chances are pretty good that it's happened to someone you know.

Is semon good for a baby in the womb?

semen does not cross into the placenta and has no effect on baby in womb.

Can you get pregnant after a hysterectomy and no period?

hysterectomy is removal of womb which is where baby grows. No womb = no baby

If a baby poop and baby has any problem in the womb?

baby poop while in the womb can cause infection in the lungs if the baby swallows it

How can you tell if a baby was in the womb to long?

A doctor can only tell you that a baby was/is in the womb for too long.

Is it possible to serenade a baby from the womb?

It is thought that a baby in the womb responds to external sounds and vibrations.

What do you call a baby inside it's mother's womb?

A baby inside the womb is called a fetus.

Does a baby have a bowel movement in the womb?

Yes, After a certain age. But this will not harm the mother or the fetus unless the fetus consumes it feces (which can be okay but may need care after delivery). Usually when this happens it is a sign of stress in the baby, it is found when the amniotic sac breaks (or is broken by the medical attendant) at some point in labor or just prior to labor beginning. The danger is to the baby if he inhales the meconium (first BM) - either prior to birth or when he takes his first breath. Meconium is thick and sticky, when inhaled it clogs the bronchial passages and can cause a serious case of pneumonia. To prevent the baby from inhaling and to clean any meconium from the baby's mouth and throat the doctor will instruct the laboring mother to stop pushing as soon as the baby's head is delivered and then suction the baby's mouth and throat. The baby will need to be seen by a Pediatrician as soon as he is born and will be monitored by the nursing staff for the first 24 to 48 hours, to watch for signs of pneumonia.

Where is the baby formed?

In a woman's womb/uterus.The womb.In the womb