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The NCP should bring this up with the venue that issued the order for support. However, in general, support is based on a percentage of the NCP's net income, regardless of the CP's income.
The only real affect this has is on extras, such as the percentage of the cost for insurance and child care each parent is obligated for, so the primary issue should lying under oath.

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Q: What if custodial parent reports less income to obtain more support?
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If a noncustodial parent works off the books does he still have to pay child support?

Yes if you can obtain proof that the non-custodial parent has a source of income or file based on the same. If you have proof, it's open and shut. If you do not, it would be up to the judge to decide whether or not the non-custodial is lying if they testify to the contrary.

How can you find out the custodial mother's income to see if she makes more than the father who is paying child support?

The person might be able to obtain an interrogatory for discovery of income from the family court, but that is not likely. The income the custodial parent makes is not relevant in accessing the amount of child support That is based on the income and assets of the person who has been ordered to pay the support. I'm thinking you have to make a motion in court to request income records. The income of both parents must be known to determine the amount the noncustodial parent has to pay, since it's usually based on the ratio of the noncustodial parent's income to the total of both parents' incomes. As has been noted, child support is based upon the income and assets of the biological parent who has been ordered to pay the support. The income of the custodial parent is not relevant, as the monies are for the support of the children. One issue pertaining to the financial support of the child/children is how it relates to dependant deductions pertaining to the tax codes. Actually both incomes are used to determine the amount of child support. It is done by percentages. Both parents are responsible for paying for their children. If the father makes more than the mother he will be responsible for the higher percentage on the amounts spent on the necessities of the child. I've worked in the legal field for almost 30 years. There are some differences in the laws among the states, but they basically follow the Uniform Child Support Laws. My daughters lived the majority of the year with my ex. My income was much less. I did not have to pay child support. My ex had to pay me support when the girls lived with me during the summer months.

How can you collect child support if the father is self-employed?

If representing oneself the custodial parent/legal guardian should file the lawsuit in the appropriate court in the state in which you reside. Include in the filing a request for a subpoena of discovery to be served on the non custodial parent. This will require he or she (or their legal representative) to appear before the court and present valid documents providing their source(s) of income and the total amounts. If the non custodial parent does not comply to the order he or she can be (and probably will be) held in contempt of a court order. If the custodial parent or legal guardian retains an attorney he or she will take the appropriate action to obtain the information concerning the self-employed non custodial parent's income and assets.

How do you obtain copies of your ex husbands income tax records for child support reasons?

Get a subpoena.

Where can one obtain a low-doc stated income or no-doc home equity line or loan?

The bank is a good place to start. Whereas, they have documentation and reports of present income. Individual reports can control and filter the information provided. They also can issue a home equity line or loan of credit.

Does the custodial parent have to provide insurance for a child?

No. That type of issue is addressed by court orders not by their status as custodial/non-custodial parent. Generally, the parent who is better able to obtain insurance must insure the child and they are given a credit toward their child support obligation.

Can non custodial parent claim daycare for tax reurn?

Yes, in most cases. If he or she included the costs in regular child support payments or reimbursed the custodial parent for such the party should obtain a signed affidavit from the custodial parent stating the fact and documentation from the childcare provider of the amount paid.

How do a get a warrant put out on a non custodial father for not paying child support?

Pay the amount due (you might be able to work out a payment plan).

How much does the non-custodial parent have to pay for child support?

The amount is determined by statutory child support guidelines in most jurisdictions or the department of social service in the state the child lives if the child is receiving financial support from the state.

Can your daughter legally move with her 3children to fl from va to obtain support from her family she is unemployed with no income?

she has to apply for welfare and of course she is entitled to child support from the father of her children, if he does not support them now, she has to obtain a court order. She can move where ever she wants to if she can afford it., if not then she has to stay put and start looking for a job ASAP!!!

How do you know if you are paying child support directly to state or to custodial parent?

That should be clearly stated in the court order. If you are not sure, contact the court that issued the child support order and obtain a copy.That should be clearly stated in the court order. If you are not sure, contact the court that issued the child support order and obtain a copy.That should be clearly stated in the court order. If you are not sure, contact the court that issued the child support order and obtain a copy.That should be clearly stated in the court order. If you are not sure, contact the court that issued the child support order and obtain a copy.

How do you prove that the non custodial parent is working under the table just to pay minimum child support in the state of Wisconsin?

Tax returns should show the entire income.Answer"Working under the table" refers to unreported incomethat is not reflected on a tax return. Many people who owe child support rely on "under the table" income to avoid being assessed a fair amount of their income for child support obligations and that tactic works well. It is extremely difficult for the custodial parent to document the non-custodial parent's unreported income. The best way is to hire a private investigator to follow the person for a few days and who may be able to obtain photographic evidence of the obligor at work. (If successful, it could be shared with the IRS.) A good investigator should be able to advise you as to what evidence may be effective in court. You should consult with a good family law attorney. Most attorneys have PIs they work with and the attorney can review your situation and explain your options.