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Your hamster is fine, it just isn't hoarding food because it probably realized it doesn't have to worry about others stealing it.

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Q: What if hamster does not store food in its pouches?
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How does a hamster store food?

it has 2 pouches on either side of its mouth and the hamster will store it in there and then find somewhere quiet and empty the pouches and eat the food.

Why does a hamster have pouches?

i believe they have pouches to store food in just in case the food around them goes scarce

What animal has its cheeks full?

a hamster can store food in the pouches in his cheeks

How long can a hamster store food in their pouches?

well a hamster is most likely to store their food in there pouch for probably about 20 minites but if the hamster has it longer then that then contact a vet or tell a perint

How much food can a hamster store in its cheek pouches?

I don't really know how much food they can put in their cheek pouches, but i do know that they can hold up to 20 pounds of food.

What does it mean when a hamster's cheeks are big?

It's not their actual shoulders puffing up, it is their food pouches! Hamsters store food in these pouches, also known as their cheeks. They will save food for later, and when their pouches are full it almost makes it look like their shoulders are puffy!

Why does my hamster stuff her food in her mouth?

A hamster has two cheek pouches inside the mouth in which to store food when out foraging. The pouches are emptied when back in the nest, and the food is stored at the back of the nest, for times when food is scarce.

Why is a hamster called a hamster?

'Hamster' comes from the German word 'hamstern', meaning 'to hoard'. This is a reference to their hoarding habits, they store food in special cheek pouches, and hoard it in their nests.

Do pigs burp?

Hamsters will store food in their cheek pouches, this is only for carrying it, they will disgorge the pouches when they get back to their nests.

What does it mean when your hamster has swollen on both sides of its body it has doubled in size?

If you mean at either side of its head, this is the hamster's cheek pouches, which extend back to the animal's neck and shoulders. In these pouches, it can store food to carry back to its nest. When the pouches are full, the hamster's head looks like it has tripled in size.

hamster how would they eat food?

like any small animal......except they use there hands....most time they store food in there cheeks pouches. that is why there so chubby when they eat

What is the meaning of a hamster spitting out undigested food?

The Hamster is sick, and it needs to be taken to a Veterinarian.